Fun Filled Activities to perform while at Home

" Home is where love resides, memories are created and laughter never ends" Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we all are stuck at home and these past 2 months at home were full of boredom, family time, cooking-shooking, sleep, binging, etc. But now after everything we've tried, it’s time to do something more, something out of the box, something that hones creativity and wakes up the best in you. Welcome to The Productivity and Book Blogs!! and as always, we are here for something different, something that you might be looking for and something that is genuine to be talked about. Today, we are here with 5 Awesome Fun-filled Activities to try at home. 1) 1) Making a Family Tree Well, we have loads of time nowadays to spend with our family, burst out with laughter on old memories while sipping some tea together. But how about exploring your family even deeper, remembering how it all started. In this lockdown time...