Fun Filled Activities to perform while at Home

" Home is where love resides, memories are created and laughter never ends" 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we all are stuck at home and these past 2 months at home were full of boredom, family time, cooking-shooking, sleep, binging, etc. But now after everything we've tried, it’s time to do something more, something out of the box, something that hones creativity and wakes up the best in you.


Welcome to The Productivity and Book Blogs!! and as always, we are here for something different, something that you might be looking for and something that is genuine to be talked about.

Today, we are here with 5 Awesome Fun-filled Activities to try at home.


1)        1) Making a Family Tree

Well, we have loads of time nowadays to spend with our family, burst out with laughter on old memories while sipping some tea together. But how about exploring your family even deeper, remembering how it all started. In this lockdown time try to make a family tree 🌲If you can't find photographs then let a pencil find you and sketch people, possibly your great grand parents.

2)      2) Making a Glitter Jar

Looking for something even more creative and dreamy rather than a family tree then grab a glass jar, clear glue, some glitter✨, ornaments, pebbles, jute rope or anything you would like decorate the jar with. Woah!!!! Within few minutes you have made yourself a glitter jar out of things that were lying around. You can also make it based on a theme like the Hogwarts Houses' colours or match them with your room.

3)     3) Building a Fort or tent

🏰Oooh! Did it remind you of play school gardens or grandma's wardrobe or how your dad sometimes goes to attend camps🏕️. Grab some bed sheets find a corner and build a fort to live in or get some pillars too and try building a tent on the terrace. You can go as wild as you want for this one.


4)     4) Playing Spy


🧐Can you find some suspicious fingerprints on your favourite book? Can you act so hard that someone can open their mouth to tell you truths? Ummm, has Mum ever told you that you are a relative to Nancy Drew🔍. Well, no kidding here if you are good in spying or want to try it. Wear your black leather coat, grip up on a magnifying glass.

5)     5) Write our Own Story


There is plenty of time to invest now into improving yourself, then why not improving the way you imagine, I mean expanding. Gather some ideas and take inspirations, open up your pen and start inking down your very own story onto paper. It might happen that you end up writing your own book who knows but the support is always there from The Productivity and Book Blogs.

Well, we know they were quite quick but what do for a week of Joy. Come back soon for next blog. One each- every Friday 🍁 . And we are cooking up something interesting this time in our coldrons for you!!!!

Vanshika Atri




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