How to feel a Book while reading?

📖Most of us just kick ourselves hard and try picking up a Book that's just there relaxing in the shelf casually as we are. You open the book with high roaring spirits and there....You start the first chapter and rather than regaining more curiosity you lose even the tiny bit you had.Now, that happens because you didn't enjoy the book(maybe the genre wasn't your taste or the author)the way it must have been. You didn't feel the book the way the author felt himself/herself while inking down those words in the form of a book. But don't worry, here you have your Productivity and Book Blog to help you. Read more for getting the marvelous tips.

The first and foremost important thing is to

Detect Your Taste

Find out your taste, what writing style and category suits you. If you are a Mystery person then go on with books like Sherlock Holmes or books by Agatha Christie. For fiction and Fantasy lovers the Harry potter series(my personal favorite) or books by CS Lewis.

Once you find out what interests you the most and what is the style that you fancy, you are more likely to indulge yourself into the book.


The very famous phrase widely used for Hermione Granger, the Know-it-All Girl. this is because she knew the background as well as the foreground for whatever she knew or read. And that is the trick you need to put up. If you directly start reading the 6th book of Harry Potter i.e. Harry Potter and the Half Blooded Prince, you won't be  able to understand much of the stuff and the result is putting the book back.

So, start with the first book in the series and research about it too. Read the reviews and prefaces relating to the book. And once you do that you will find out that a seed to read that book is now sown and let it grow at the particular condition that is read the book when you are feeling the most curious about reading it or exploring a little more.

Fake It

Faking it means to make the particular expression the character makes. The author usually try to  describe the expressions and the feeling of the character very well while writing it down during a particular situation or scenario. So, if the character is gasping at a particular moment, consider yourself as the character and gasp too. If the character is making a certain type of facial expression then go on and copy it.

This might require you some time to adapt to and do this automatically as you read but at first the fake it technique is worth it to keep you engaged in a book for some hours maybe.

Being Particular

This tip is not just about being consistent but have particularities for some stuff
Such as
~ know and have a particular cosy place to read the book where you can comfortably dive into the words and feel the book from the core
~ start by creating a no noise place so that you aren't distracted easily
~ make out a particular time to read, so that you don't feel that you must do this work rather than reading or get into your phone or feel it as if you are going to miss a particular task if you read anytime.
Being Particular and convince yourself to read because you want to helps you to stick on and help yourself to do other work later in your day.

Be the Character

Being the character and reading as if you just read out your diary only, is memorizing.
It is all the more beneficial to see  the whole story from the character's eyes and feel it as if it happened to you. This way you will be keen to keep reading and experience all those curves and bends waiting there for you further in the respective story/book.

Read the story as if everything is happening just in front of your eyes and this brings us to our last tip.

Visualising Words

Well, reading books is simply gaining experience by just flippin' pages. How the words form the figurines in front of you and the book becomes the projector. Some what like the picture.

It feels as if your book is coming to life and you forget about your owns that is why this saying is also famous that "A reader lives a thousand lives" 

And with this I shall leave your mind open to explore and find out the various dimensions of reading and feeling books.

Vanshika Atri


Unknown said…
Really, they are very good. Keep it up.
Anonymous said…
good 👍👍

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