Running out of time...? Here are tips to make out time for everything.

🏵️Everybody is busy in their lives with different verbs and works hovering around their head which they need to complete along with stress...And at the end of the day you just wish that you get a little more time the next day. But as everyone knows that in a day each livin' life recieves only 24 hours, how can you make more time? The ultimate answer is that you need to play with your time!

And now, how is that possible? Just following few tips that sound extremely quick and easy but might take some time to add into your routine are listed here.

1) Rescheduling your day/week

  When you reschedule your day, that means firstly to change your sleeping time.
I mainly prefer waking up early even though I am a night owl 🦉...
~ wake up early (around 5-6am)
~ watch the sunrise, it is mesmerizing and extremely motivating
~ fill/start  your gratitude journal
~ have a look at your calendar or bullet journal for what all you are doing today
~ get some motivation(watch YouTube/read)

Rescheduling your day also means reducing the time you waste in useless work and that bring us to our second tip

2) Multitasking

"Multitasking" a word with different meanings taken by people. Multitasking is not a verb but an art. An art to do more than two things at a time. It focuses on doing productive things together or completely same or opposite things at the same time.
~ use social media when you are waiting for your meal to cook
~ listen to an audiobook or podcast during workout/cleaning
~ keep your work running in your mind all time
~ try relaxing your mind and body while reading

3) Prioritising

To manage your time carefully and take out the most out of it knowing your priorities is a must. Your priorities give the back kick to just get going and finish that task as soon as possible rather than procastination. So, the first step is to have a layout of all the things yhth you need to to do in your mind or prefer making a To-do List📝 or bullet jounalling as that really helps you to do your work and as you make a list of the work make sure to add them on the basis of priority, how important that work is for you or how quick you need that work to be done. And I hope that make it quite clear.

4) Mastermind each hour

Masterminding each hour of the day helps you to know exactly how the whole of your day was spent. Add all kind of activities that you do in a day to that- I personally prefer using Google Calendar. It helps alot in categorizica and masterminding each and every hour of yours with reminders and specific colours.
~ make sure you know what you are doing every minute of that day
~ this technique also helps you to see how much time is wasted
~ organising each minute helps you to do every little and huge bit of work you wish to do.

5)A Pause

Now, talking about something a little different that impacts alot on playing with time and completing your goals is taking a pause. Now, what exactly this pause means is when you try multitasking with your important work or put your head into something time, energy and brain consuming it is very obvious to get stressed out after a particular limit and for that you need a pause from what exactly you are doing and relax.
~ that relaxing can mean doing your favourite thing
~ chilling and dancing to your favourite beats
~ grab a book and some coffee
~ stop thinking about anything (meditate)
~ eat a chocolate
~ and best of all sleep

Taking a break helps you alot to detach yourself from the burden al little bit, calm down and then do that work because later you'd get angry and the time is wasted along with things you were doing get wrong due to that pressure.

So, these were 5 basic tips that I loved sharing with you and as I told before they might sound completely simple but they will take time to adapt your busy schedule with the so-called no time excuse. :)

Vanshika Atri


Sarthak said…
Itika brought me here!!...loved the article kiddo!...great insights...keep em coming.
Vanshika Atri said…
Thank you, I hope you stay tuned. I shall be posting several blogs regularly.😊
Unknown said…
It's so good that I have taken notes from the post.

I loved it Vanshika.
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
Pretty much relatable, it's helpful to be honest.

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