The boy in Striped Pajamas will rock your striped socks!!!
'Sitting around miserable all day won't make you any happier.' (a quote from the book The boy in Striped Pajamas), and in lockdown all day home with nothing to do might even drive you crazy😀
📖Hello, The productivity and book blogs today bring one more book review/analysis.
And today's book is 'The boy in Striped Pajamas' by John Boyne
We are bringing books for binging during lockdown/quarantine. And The Boy in Striped Pajamas will leave you in goosebumps. Set in early twentieth century, the book might feel a bit out of track in the beginning but as you continue to read you won't stop until finished. The ending might seem abrupt as during the flow you expect more but the story ends suddenly to leave you with loads of thoughts and feelings. The story might make you smile, laugh, cry and cringe but it is amazing. A best read to enjoy during a long break.🌼
The book talks about finding happiness in loneliness and quit discrimination because everyone is the same. You must have faith in yourself, have the daring to risk and break rules, bends and curves together make a smooth road for life. The book is very well written and is nowhere into making you get bored.
The whole story is viewed from the eyes of a nine year old German boy and how he has to leave his house with his family and go somewhere else to live. Earlier he used to live in a sort of mansion or a big house you can say and the new one is less than half the size and flight and dirty. He has nobody to play with and faces alot of boredom until once exploring as he loves to do so he comes across a boy who is on the other side of fence (he doesn't know why it's there) looking miserable and sick but becomes friends with him!
His father is a soldier and from asking from his sister, the hopeless case, Gretel, he gets to know that his only friend Shmuel lives across the fence is worse conditions because he was a new and so were the rest on the other side and that's why their heads were shaved and all of them wore the same filthy Striped Pajamas with a striped cap.
And the story will make you go hazy so do read it whilst you wait for our next blog until next Friday!
Vanshika Atri
Write My Homework