Gratitude Books for everyone's TBR

Blog no. 3 for the Gratitude series! Read this where I give you a brief review for top 3 gratitude books and also reccomendations at last... Book #1 One thousand Gifts By- Ann Voskamp This book is a practical guide to living a life you want. A life of joy, sweetness and fullfilled desires. One thousand Gifts invites you to wake up to god's everyday blessings, to cherish them, feel lucky and feel thankful. You will discover in this piece that giving thanks for what you already have, what life you are already living brings the life you always wanted to live Book #2 Apple Cake: A gratitude By- Dawn Casey It is a short rhyming story which might even remind you of your childhood story books but this tiny tan book has alot to learn from. This book is a mix of old tales and cute kids' stories. Where you see a girl thanking nature and showing gratitude for all she has. Book #3 Choosing Gratitude By- Nancey L. DeMoss The Gratitude that flows out of our life as abundant as the grace t...