A basic guide to practice gratitude for beginners/teens ♡

 Didn't expect something like this from me huh?? But I got it! As I told the same in the newsletter. (Haven't read it yet...check at the end of the post)

Our theme for this month is GRATITUDE ♡

What does this mean?¿

It just means to be thankful for what you have, what you can do and what happens with you.

It is just practicing thankfulness and being positive, which (you take my word) leads to greater happiness. Gratitude helps you feel more positive, relish all those good experiences, improve your body and health, deal with adversity and build strong relationships

But now you know what it is and do feel an ignition inside that why not do this? The big deal here is how to practice gratitude?

I am going to be good at this? OR What if I just leave it in the middle? OR What if it is just a waste of time?

There is nothing to worry about! You don't need money and plenty of hours to do this all you need is some kicks from your inside to do this!

How do you do this?¿

Here are my 5 ways to do this and you do at least 3 of those believe me then, you will go a good path....

1) Keeping a Gratitude Journal 

It is just as a diary where you write about things you love and things you greatful for...

Write down your daily reflections, what made you feel happy and also write down and count all blessings and thank god for that.

And wait for our next week's blog to get a guide on keeping a Gratitude Journal!

2) Show your family members that you love them

How about going and hugging your sibling tight, kissing your mother before bed and telling your dad he is your hero! Wont that really make your day and your family's. Or maybe you actually love them but you hesitate to show then maybe you can text them or send them a lovely GIF

3) Practice Meditation Or Mindfulness

Well yess! These two things also come here because they really hold good importance and also lead their way to gratitude. 

"A practice that is great in all aspects is a practice of a extraordinary person"

Maybe you can do this by doing guided meditations through an app or just sit down on the floor and take big and deep breathes.

4) Believing

You need to Believe that you are Happy and you need to believe that things take time and everything you do is because of something or someone else so you must thank them.

Believe that you are half way to indebtedness and you can do anything you wish to.

Maybe I went too philosophical here but just make yourself remind these phrases.

5) Reading

Reading also makes a man perfect. If you are a bookworm or a busy person who doesn't wish to do much of the dramas atleast you can read a good books that makes you feel happy or a book with the theme of gratitude but if not Fiction then go for self help books.

Some recs from my side: One thousand gifts by Ann Voskamp, Apple Cake by Dawn Casey, Choosing Gratitude by Nancey L. DeMoss

This is all for today, wait until we bring another blog next Friday!

Author and Creator

~Vanshika Atri~

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Tell us in the comments if you wish to have a gratitude journal guide next week and some reading log printable or gratitude weekly prompts.



Belle said…
Well, this is an amazing blog site and I don't know why it isn't famous?
Lots of love and thank you so much for such good and unique content with perfection!
Catherine said…
Pls bring a gratitude journal guide next week as I really want some help there and ofc that means I agree with you thinking to give a gratitude journal prompt sheet

PS the content is awesome
Anna Popplewell said…
Your blog is really fabulous. Each point contain a valuable teachings!I loved them all and desire you to write more beautiful blogs like this. .

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