Start being Productive from Today!!!! Here are 7 tips to help you out.

Welcome to the Productivity and Books Spot!!!
I am very happy to bring a new identity for us and I hope you liked it.
Now, even though our lives have started to come back together being productive becomes a very challenging task for a few.
But if you have the spirit and determination than it is just a piece of cake.
but if you haven't then these simple and basic  7 tips are there to pitch you up.

1) Until 0 Countdown

well, if you have lots of tasks to finish up then start by kicking of the sack and know everything that you want to do and lastly grab a pen and paper to write down a To-Do List.
Now lets come to our trick of "Until 0 countdown" for this you basically number your tasks in reverse order depending on how many tasks you have and count one less as you tick of one task. 
For example, if you have 9 tasks to do then order them starting from 9-0 and this way whenever you finish of one task you are one number more close to 0 in other words getting your tasks finished.
this trick helps you alot by giving you motivation to keep going because you are doing alot of progress.

2) Aiming the middle

Is There a Middle Way Through Wine's Naturalist Divide? | PUNCH

The first tip included many tasks to be done but what if you have one great task to do and you just cant get up!! For this you need to know what basically is the least you can do for the particular task and then think about the best and most you can do for it.
For example, you have to give a science report. here the least you can do is Google the topic and write some points in your notebook whilst the most can be doing is research on your own, print some pictures and make it an art piece as well.
Here dives in our tip to Aim the Middle. You need to do your task somewhere between the least and the best and this again seeds some inspiration. : D

3) Find Your Peak Hours

Few people work so well n the morning and cant even move during the afternoons.
Some people prefer to work late night. The morning for person one and the night for person 2 are there peak hours....Peak hour is the time where you work the most and most productively so do your most important tasks in your peak hours and it really doesn't matter if you are an early bird or a night owl.

4) Committing

In simple words this tip is just making yourself dedicated to your work and making yourself loyal to the task to be done and you also need to punish yourself if the task stays incomplete. This way you keep going...

5) Time Blocking

One day has 24 hours and you can do alot in a day!! Believe me you are wasting alot of time. Learn this through Time Blocking. Time Blocking can be done both digitaly and physically. Look at the picture of mine. Time blocking means designating each hoour of your day specifically for one task and if you have multiple small tasks then put hem togetehr in one hour. This way you know what exactly you are doing each hour, how your time is utilised and you can do everything of yours this way. If youre interested in more time management tips that look at this blog: Running out of time...? Here are tips to make out time for everything. 

6) Self Care Mornings

Your mental health and self-care is a priority | Cofounderstown

Taking care of yourself is extremely important and more important is to have Self Care Mornings because if you know that you are going to have some chaotic morning it leads to procrastination. And maybe you might work good during mornings but that further leads to tired day ahead. This all leads to Unproductivity. But self care mornings also lead to better sleep at night and filling you up with energy again to work tomorrow.

7) The "60 seconds are Enough" rule!

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Do feel tired after working for some time or due feel you cant do it and need a break! then there is absolutely no problem in taking a boost up break and all you need for that is 60 secs. 60 secs. are absolutely enough to close your eyes think about the reason- Why? you are doing that think and continue. If you take long breaks they only lead to laziness.


bts said…
these tips are so helpful I'll definitely try these out :)
Unknown said…
Making notes, very motivated by your writings.

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